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An inclusive class of foundational asanas essential for a yoga practice. This class combines the two philosophical aspects of abhyasa (effort) and vairagya (surrender of effort). Learning correct action along side relaxation, nourishes the systems of the body & calms the mind. Suitable to all students.

Thursdays 6:00-7:30PM


General Class

This general class is open to all students with some experience in Iyengar Yoga. It will cater for both developing and established students. Because of Iyengar Yoga’s systematic approach through its sequences and props, there can be many different options for each student to work with. More experienced students will have the opportunity to explore advanced asanas while other students build up their range and mobilities.

TUESDAYS 6:00-7:30pm

Mondays Online 6:00 - 7:30pm(AEST)

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Suitable for students who have a regular home practice and a competency in both head and shoulder stand. In this class we will apply svadhaya (self-study) in the learning of more advanced asanas including variations in inversions, arm balances, padmasana cycle and backbends. Each student will develop a greater understanding of their own habits and mental conditions as they encounter them on the mat, building intelligence in the body and mental stability.

THURSDAYS 6:15-7:45 AM

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Incorporating a dynamic sequence that specifically energises the body and sharpens the mind, this one-hour class is a wonderful way to prepare for whatever may be encountered in your day. Using kramas, a Sanskrit term which means “succession”, the sequences will offer a step by step process to evolving an asana.




Yoga restores the systems of the body and helps de-stress the mind. Focusing on pratyahara (drawing the senses of perception inwards) and the breath, the restorative class will include supported asanas and guided pranayama (breath control). This type of practice creates a state of deep rest for the body and a calm, tranquil mind.

FRIDAY 6:00 - 8:00PM

Stay tuned!

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Each workshop will have a particular theme and emphasis asana. For the inspired student who wants to apply themselves fully, its aim is to provide an opportunity to more deeply engage in the subject of yoga in a supportive group setting. The workshops will be explorative as well as consolidating.

This class will replace Led Practice.

Stay Tuned!

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One on one private class

Email Sally to arrange a time and place. One on One classes are useful when working with a specific condition (physical or mental) or a particular obstacle (physical or mental) in one’s individual practice.


Use online store to pay for this class
