+ What are the distingushing features of Iyengar Yoga?

Iyengar Yoga has a strong emphasis on precise instructions and alignment. These instructions bring the mind to become focused, present and aware. Asana sequences use timings to cultivate a steadiness in both the mind and body. An Iyengar Yoga studio will have a variety of props for the students to use. BKS Iyengar developed these props from household items. Using props allow students to stay, settle and relax in asanas for longer timings and are very beneficial for students working with injuries and medical conditions.

+ How should I prepare for class?

Do not eat between 2-3 hours before class. Hydrate before and after class rather than during. Wear loose clothing that is modest and can be tucked in. The body should feel free while moving. Arrive 10 minutes before the class begins so you can get settled or talk with the teacher if needed and let the teachers know if there are any concerns you have.

+ What are the different payment options?

There are three different payment options. You can book and pay for each single class, book and pay for a 5 week block or buy a 10 class pass. The 5 week block is for the same class for 5 consecutive weeks over specified dates. A 10 class pass can be used for any 90 minute class.

+ What COVID protocols are in place in the studio?

The studio requires students to practice social distancing and students are encouraged to bring their own equipement. The standard equipment required is a mat, 2 form blocks, a belt and 2 blankets or thick towels. If you borrow equipment, a towel, pillow slip or some kind of cover needs to be used over the soft props and all hard props sprayed after use.

+ Can I practice yoga when menustrating? When I am pregnant?

Yes to both! Yoga is very beneficial when menustrating and when pregnant. However, in a class most likely the sequence will be modified. For menustration; more gentle and supportive with no inversions or other strong asanas. For pregnancy, sequences and asanas will be adpated according to the trimester you are in. Let the teacher know if you are menustrating, or pregnant and they will give you alternatives and modifications where needed during the class.

+ Can I practice yoga with an injury or medical condition?

Depending on the condition or severity of the injury, tt is advisable to communicate with the teacher via email before you attend a class. The Slow paced class caters for students who need to work in a more slow and adjusted way.

+ What is Pranayama?

Pranayama is defined as breath control. "Prana" is air, breath, life force. "Ayama" is expansion in length, breadth & volume through inhalation, exhalation and the pause in between. A pranayama practice brings mental calmness, tranquility and soothes the nervous system.

+ Why do you practice head and shoulderstand?

Headstand (Salamba Sirsasana) and Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana) are the king and queen of the inversions (upside down poses) and have many health benefits. Iyengar states "regular and precise practice of Sirsana develops the body, disciplines the mind and widens the horizon of the spirit. One becomes balanced and self-reliant in pain and pleasure, loss and gain, shame and fame and defeat and victory." He further states, "it is no over-statement to say that if a person regularly practises Sarvangasana they will feel new vigour and strength, and will be happy and confident." (Light on Yoga)